How To Support Your Immune System With Food

Two Glasses of Immune and Gut Supportive Overnight Oats

There is a lot of talk out there of how we can boost or support our immune system – and I am all for doing that! But did you know that you don’t always need to turn to supplements, you can also support your immune system with food?!

One of the best things you can do you for your immune system is to make sure your digestive system is in good condition. That’s because almost 70% of our immune system is in our gut (source). So doing things like consuming bone broth, eating enough fiber from whole foods and taking a probiotic will help to keep your gut lining healthy and prevent Leaky Gut and other digestive disorders.

For more information on Leaky Gut, read “10 Signs You Might Have A Leaky Gut And How I Healed Mine

Other ways to support your immune system are from food – after all, it has been said as far back as 400BC by Hippocrates, “Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food.” While many times, we might reach for a supplement when we feel that familiar tingling of a cold coming on – but you can also reach for food to support your immune system!

Let’s take a closer look at 5 key nutrients that are immune supportive:
Vitamin C:

No doubt you’ve heard of V-C as being helpful to boost your immune system – I think we all have heard this. But what you may not know is that research has shown that 100-200mg of vitamin C has also been shown to be effective in preventing respiratory infections, which is important right now during our current crisis with COVID-19 (source).

Where can you find Vitamin C in food? Look for strawberries, red bell peppers, mangos, grapefruit, kiwi, oranges, and even cauliflower.

Vitamin A:

This anti-oxidant plays a very important role in our body – helping maintain healthy eyes, skin, vision, immune system, and more. One thing to note about Vitamin A is that the form found in plants is called Beta Carotene. Beta Carotene needs to be converted to the active form of V-A in order to be utilized by the body – this is done in the intestinal mucosa and the liver (source). Just another reason to keep your gut healthy.

For food high in vitamin A look to foods that have bright orange and yellow colors like sweet potatoes, bell peppers, carrots, mangos, butternut squash. You can also find it in dark leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, and broccoli.

Vitamin E:

Like Vitamin A, Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant in the body. It protects the cells against oxidative stress and keeps our immune system running.

Foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach, and avocado are good sources of vitamin E.


Selenium is an essential nutrient that is an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory effects. Our body needs selenium to make the master antioxidant, glutathione. Not having enough selenium in the body could prove to be detrimental when fighting infections (source).

Look for foods like salmon, tuna, brazil nuts, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, and navy beans to boost your selenium. Interestingly enough, one or two brazil nuts can provide enough selenium – crazy isn’t how one little nut can be so beneficial to the body. You want to be sure not to eat too many brazil nuts because that can lead to a toxic level in the body – eating a variety of sources of selenium is best.


You’ve probably heard about the benefits of zinc in shortening a cold and even seen over the counter remedies made with zinc. This mineral is vital to our bodies. It is present within all bodily tissues and needed for healthy cell division. Zinc helps the body to improve our immune system, promotes normal digestion and proper hormone production (source).

Zinc deficiency is fairly common in the world, even in the US. To find it in food rather than supplements, look for it in grass-fed beef and lamb, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, and cashews.

Would you like some gut and immune-supportive recipes?

Then, sign up for the Sage & Celery Newsletter and I will send you the recipe that goes along with the picture at the top of this page plus several other delicious Gut and Immune Supportive recipes. You will also receive the 5-Day Sugar Detox and meal plan. You can sign up by going to the right of this page where it says “Get The Newsletter”



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